Wednesday, December 28, 2011

For Spicy Lovers: An African Dish Recipe

Supplies need to make wache:
Rice cooker
Canned beans (choice of black beans or kidney beans)
Teaspoon of salt
3 1/2 cups of parboiled rice

Fill the rice cooker to the level 2 mark.
Add the 3 1/2 cups of rice along with salt.
Open the can of beans and add to the rice.
Stir the rice once and let the rice cooker cook the rice. I prefer parboiled rice because it has less starch.

Supplies for stew:
A can of Hunt's tomato sauce
2 jalapeno peppers
1 tablespoon red cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon rosemary
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon salt
2 stalks of celery
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
Canola oil
1 teaspoon funnel seeds
2 small onions

First, cut up the onions, celery, and jalapeno's and put it in the blender.
Add the funnel seeds and water as well. Blend the mixture together.
Heat a tall pan with a lid on the fire and add the canola oil (enough).
Open the tomato sauce and add it to the canola oil. Let the tomato sauce cook at high heat.
Once the tomato sauce is jumping out of the pan, add the blended mixture.
Add in the curry powder and the thyme and stir it.
Let the sauce cook at medium temperature for 15-20 minutes.
After the 20 minutes, add salt and rosemary crushed in your palm to bring out the flavor.
Cover and let cook for another 10 minutes (make sure there is enough oil or the stew will taste tart)

Supplies for fish:
Tilapia (or your choice of fish)
Adobo all purpose seasoning (can be found in the spanish grocery aisle)
Frying pan
Canola oil

Heat the canola oil in the frying pan.
Season the fish with the Adobo seasoning.
Make sure the oil is hot then put the fish in and let cook till brown.

To bring the meal together, lay some rice on a plate, add the stew on top and place the fish to the side and enjoy!

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