Saturday, December 31, 2011

Old Fashion Recipes for Snacks and Party Food - Cheese Hooies and Smoked Salmon Pate

If you would like to try an old fashion appetizer, try this salmon pate. Serve with slices of toasted French bread, assorted crackers or party breads.
1/2 lb smoked salmon
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/4 lb butter, melted
1/3 cup whipping cream
freshly ground black pepper
Chopped parsley for garnish

Place fish in a small skillet; just cover with water. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Cover and simmer 15 minutes or until the fish flakes easily. Remove from heat and allow fish to cool in the cooking liquid. Drain fish and separate into flakes; discard any bones.
Put the fish, lemon juice, and thyme in a food processor or a blender container. Cover and blend until smooth. Add the melted butter slowly and steadily, pureeing until smooth.
Whip the cream until stiff. Fold the fish mixture into the whipped cream until well combined. Add pepper to suit your taste. Store in a covered container and refrigerate several hours or overnight allowing the flavors to blend.
Remove from the refrigerator a half hour before serving. Sprinkle with the chopped parsley for garnish.
Yes, the name is spelled correctly. This is, you guessed it, another old Southern Indiana recipe from my childhood days. And we Hoosiers often come up with some strange names for foods and other things! These are great snacking tidbits for any occasion. They seem especially appropriate now that we are into the season of being glued to the TV, snacking, entertaining, etc. while our favorite teams play on TV.

1/4 lb butter that is softened to room temperature
2 cups sifted flour
dash cayenne pepper
1/4 lb sharp cheese
2 tsp salt
powdered sugar

Grate the cheese into the butter and cream together. Add the salt and flour, blending in well. Knead until smooth on a floured board. Chill over night, by dividing in half and making rolls about as big around as half dollars (remember those?). When ready to bake, slice about 3/4-inch thick. Bake in a 375 degree oven, 12-15 minutes or until browned a little. Let cool 3-4 minutes then roll or shake in powdered sugar.

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