Monday, April 2, 2012

How To Make Lactose Free Chocolate Easter Eggs

Serves: 12
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 2 Hours to set and firm

You will need:
Egg Mold - You can usually find these at a specialty kitchen store. During the season, you can often find them among the Easter displays. You want to search in the bakery section of the store.
Empty Egg Carton for storage in the refrigerator.

Vegan Chocolate chips or a bar
The quantity of chocolate will depend completely on the mold size. First, check your mold for the measurement. You should only melt enough dairy free chocolate to fill the dairy free Easter egg mold.

If using a bar, cut into small pieces. Smaller pieces will melt faster and evenly.
Melt the non-dairy vegan chocolate chips (or bar) in a microwave safe dish for intervals of 10 seconds and stir after each 10 second period until the chocolate is smooth.

Pour the mixture into the egg molds.
Put into freezer to quick set - a couple of minutes - and then transfer to the refrigerator until firm, about two hours. This may vary depending on the type of chocolate used.
Remove from mold. Twist similar to an ice tray and the eggs should come out of the mold.
Serve eggs on an egg platter or in an empty egg carton. You may also use the egg carton to store the eggs in the refrigerator.

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