Sunday, May 6, 2012


1 cup all-purpose flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 tbsp shortening
1 cup cooked, mashed sweet potatoes

Sift dry ingredients together. Cut in shortening. Add sweet potatoes; mix well. Add enough milk gradually to make a soft dough; knead for a few strokes. Roll dough 1/2-inch thick; cut in rounds. Place on baking sheet. Bake in 450-degree oven for 12 to 15 minutes. Serve hot.


2 pkgs active dry yeast
2 cups warm (105-115 degrees) water, divided
1/2 cup sugar
3 tbsp molasses
2 cups rye flour
4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup shortening, melted
2 tsp salt

Dissolve the yeast in 1 cup of the warm water; let stand 5 minutes. Combine the remaining 1 cup of water, sugar, and molasses in a large bowl then add the yeast mixture, mixing well. Add the rye flour, mixing well. Gradually add the all-purpose flour. Add shortening and salt, mixing well.


2 cups biscuit/baking mix
2 tbsp shortening
1 egg
2/3 cup milk
1/4 cup snipped chives

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Grease 12 muffin cups and set aside.
With a fork, mix the baking mix, shortening, egg, milk, and chives together in a bowl. When combined, beat vigorously for less than a minute. Fill the greased muffin cups about 2/3 full and bake for 15 minutes.

Healthy Breakfast Recipe - Egg Bake

3 cups shredded hash brown potatoes, thawed
8 egg whites
4 whole eggs
½ cup fat free milk
½ cup frozen chopped spinach, thawed and patted dry with paper towel
½ reduced-fat cheddar cheese, shredded
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350°. Lightly spray a 9x13 pan with olive oil cooking spray. Press potatoes into the bottom of the pan and up the sides. Bake potatoes for ½ hour or until the edges brown. While the potatoes are cooking, mix the egg whites, eggs, milk, spinach, and seasonings. Pour egg mixture over the potatoes. Sprinkle with cheese. Return pan to oven for ½ hour or until eggs are set. Cut into 8 squares.
Nutrition per serving (1 square)
calories - 236
saturated fat - 3.3 g
fiber - 2 g
protein - 10.5 g
Bulk up this recipe with any veggies you have on hand.
My original thought was to press the potatoes into muffin tins for individual egg muffins, but I wanted a method that was quicker. If you try the muffin method, you may have to adjust the cook time to properly set the eggs.

Un-Fried Green Tomatoes Baked In Toaster Oven

2 medium green tomatoes
1/4 cup of cornmeal
2 tablespoons of ground pecans (you can use a nut grinder, food processor or rolling-pin to grind them)
2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 teaspoon of dried garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon of dried onion powder
1/4 teaspoon of dried basil
1/4 teaspoon of dried oregano
1/8 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper
1 egg
1 teaspoon of milk
2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
Heat your toaster oven to 450 degrees F.
Slice the green tomatoes and set aside.
Put the flour in a shallow dish along with half of the salt and mix well.
Put the egg and milk in a shallow dish and mix well.
Put the cornmeal, pecans, Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and all the herbs and spices into a shallow dish. Mix well.
Put each of the green tomato slices into the flour first, then the egg mixture, then the cornmeal mixture. Turn the slices over in each to make sure they are thoroughly coated. Place the breaded green tomatoes on a baking dish and into the toaster oven. Bake for 10 minutes then flip each slice over. Bake for an additional 5 minutes, then let cool slightly before serving.

The Perfect Full English Cooked Breakfast

Ingredients- One Serving
2 Cumberland sausages
2 rashers of smoked bacon
2 eggs
1 tomato
tin of baked beans
2 rounds of bread
black pudding
2 hash browns
cooking oil
salt - to taste
brown sauce (look for HP brown sauce) - to taste

Step By Step
1) Slice the mushrooms thinly.
2) Slice the black pudding into rounds of about 1.5cm.
3) Cut the tomatoes into half.
4) Empty the tin of beans into a saucepan.
5) Grill the sausages, bacon and halved tomato to suit your taste.
6) Add a little oil into a frying pan and fry off the black pudding and mushrooms together. They are ready when the mushrooms turn a golden brown. Move these into a heat proof dish and place in the bottom of your oven to keep warm.
7) Start to gently simmer the pan of baked beans.
8) Add more oil into the pan (around 2 table spoons) and place a round of bread in and fry until golden brown - repeat for the second slice and then keep warm.
9) Next, fry 2 eggs to suit your taste.

Finally, serve everything on the plate together, make a nice cup of Tea (or Coffee), shake a dash of salt over your place, and a squirt of brown sauce.
The full English has got several variations here is other options you could use instead of the ingredients used here -
1) egg, fried, poached, scrambled or in a basket
2) fried or grilled bacon, also referred to as "rashers" or "slices"
3) white pudding
4) sautéed potatoes
5) chips
6) potato bread (also called "fadge" or tattie scone)
7) potato waffles
8) potato cakes
9) toast
10) English muffins or Biscuits
11) fried bread
12) grits
13) oatcakes (in the North Midlands)
14) soda bread
15) pancakes
16) baked beans
17) fried mushrooms
18) fried, grilled, or tinned tomatoes
19) bubble and squeak
20) fruit pudding (in Scotland)

It is great having so many different options to chose from, people up and down the UK have perfected how they have a cooked breakfast but the most common choice of ingredients is the original used above - but it is all down to how you like it and what foods you enjoy.

Peanut Butter Stuffed Okra - Its Easy and Yum

12-15 Okra or Ladies finger
2 tbsp. peanut butter
1 small onion
1 tsp. ginger-garlic paste
1 tsp. red chilly powder
1 tsp. dry coriander powder
1/2 tsp. cumin powder
1/4 tsp. turmeric powder
1/2 tsp. dry mango powder (optional)
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
1/4 tsp. salt
Wash and pat fry the okra and the ridge gourd, wipe them with a kitchen napkin. Chop off the head and the tail part of the okra and make a slit on one side from top to the bottom end. Make about 2 inch pieces of ridge gourd and make a slit lengthwise.
Peanut butter; Dry roast 100 gms. of peanuts in a wok till they are light brown in color. Take out and remove the skin rubbing them with a harsh cloth. Grind the roasted peanuts with 1-2 tsp. of olive oil and 1 tsp. of rock salt. Store the peanut butter in a glass bottle and refrigerate till use.
Filling; Peel and chop the onion, grind the onion into a fine paste. Take a small bowl and add the onion paste, salt, ginger garlic paste, peanut butter and all the dry spice into it. Mix well till all the ingredients are well blended.
Take a slit okra and fill about 1 tsp. of the above stuffing in it. Repeat the same process with all the veggies. Keep them aside.
Heat oil in a flat skillet or pan. Add all the stuffed okras carefully into the hot oil. Cook for a few minutes on medium heat and turn the okras gently taking care not to spill the stuffing out. Cook for anther 5 minutes and turn off the gas.
Garnish the cooked peanut butter Okra and the ridge gourd with fresh coriander leaves and serve them with Indian flat breads or Naan.

A Powerful Flavoring Ingredient For Foods - What Is Amaretto And How It Is Used In Recipes?

What is it (history)?
Developed near 1520, Amaretto (it means slightly bitter) liqueur has a nutty almond flavor and aroma. But it contains no nuts nor nut products. Small amounts of it are added to food recipes for flavoring. Authentic imports from Italy and Europe can cost $10-25/half-liter, but effective less expensive ones are available from retail outlets.
One legend says a young Italian model who was sitting for a Renaissance Madonna portrait gave a small gift of it to her artist in Saronno. Another one says a small amount of this concoction was added to select cookies made for the king of the region at a later date. Still another says it was the result of a bishop's blessing of a young married couple. The first legion is its most probable starting point.
How is it made (mostly secret)?
Amaretto liquid is made from the pit-kernels of apricot seeds. Its entire formula and manufacturing process are secret. But we know Madagascar vanilla and pure caramelized sugar are part of its recipe. Certain makers also add peach or cherry pits along with secret herbs and spices to their formulations.
Originally, the seed pits were probably crushed and soaked/leached for several weeks in a consumable organic-solvent/water solution, similar to how vanilla flavoring is extracted today. The solution was then filtered or crudely distilled for consumption. Its final color ranged from light to dark amber.
Later, around 1600, this recipe was apparently rediscovered when distillation became more common among Italian families. Thus, some of today's Amarettos are finely distilled, which gives them crystal-clear amber appearances. The organic esters from their ingredients also come-off with the distillates, producing unique flavors and aromas.
How is it used (small amount added once; big flavors result)?
The Internet shows this liquid is added to numerous recipes in small amounts; e.g., in desserts, cakes, cookies, ice cream, meats, fish, cheese, vegetables, chocolate dishes, soups, creamers, batters, sauces, spreads, and garnishes. It can also be added to fresh cranberry, orange, and favorite juices, and to coffee, tea, and cider.
Which variety works best (imported)?
Reportedly, the imported brands produce the strongest flavors. Yet, real-almond or similar extracts could do the same thing.
Conclusion. Added in small amounts, pure Amaretto liquid is a popular flavoring ingredient that is safe to use by those allergic to nut products, provided no almond or nut products had been added to its formulation in the first place. However, in cooking, this flavoring liquid can be replaced with real-almond extracts for highly similar taste results.

Easy Recipe for Homemade Pickles

Ingredients needed: 
cucumbers, vinegar, garlic cloves (optional) and salt. Fresh dill is a great addition if you have access to it, but it is not necessary. Other optional ingredients that may be used are jalapenos (fresh or pickled) and/or cayenne peppers (dried).
The amount of cucumbers you need to purchase is based on how many jars of pickles you want to make. Buy one to 2 pounds of cucumbers for your first foray into pickle making. The best cucumbers are usually labeled "pickling cucumbers" in your grocery store's produce section. The English variety of cucumbers are also good to use. Pick the smallest cucumbers you can find-3"-4" long. (You may use the larger variety but it would be best to slice these into sections.)
The preparation is easy.
1. Get your jars and ingredients lined up. Wash your cucumbers thoroughly.
2. Add a small amount of vinegar to your jars, then add one teaspoon of salt. (If this is not enough salt for you, you can adjust to your taste in the next batch). Swirl the jars around or stir until salt is dissolved.
3. Peel two garlic cloves and drop into the jar. (You may cut them in half or leave them whole). This is also a good time to add the fresh dill if you have any. No need to trim it, just wash it and put it in, stalks, leaves and all. If you want to slice it to measure it, use about 2-3 tablespoons.
4. Add any jalapenos or cayenne peppers if you enjoy spicy pickles. Then add your cucumbers. You may need to trim a few of them to fit into the jar. It's probably easiest to slice them lengthwise before placing them in the jar but this is optional.
5. Fill your jar the rest of the way up with vinegar, taking care to ensure that cucumbers are covered. Put the lids on the jars and place in the refrigerator. Wait at least 3 days, (a little longer for larger cucumbers).
6. Open a jar and enjoy your pickles!
You'll probably notice that your garlic cloves have turned a bright green. This is normal.
This is a great recipe to enjoy in your own home but you can also make pickles to give away as gifts or to take to a picnic (since you can use jars recycled from your own pantry, you don't have to worry about getting your jars back). Once you've tried it, you may never want to buy commercial pickles again!

Dutch Oven Recipes

Beef Meat Loaf
4 pounds of pure ground beef
2 cups of bread crumbs or flour
1 large onion, chopped
2 tablespoons of salt
3 eggs, beaten well
1 cup milk
Half tablespoon of pepper

In a container, combine the beef, onion, salt, eggs and pepper and half the bread crumbs. Mix thoroughly. Roll into a log shape, and cover with remaining bread crumbs. Well grease the dutch oven and then put the meat mixture in. Put the lid on the oven and place in the coals of the fire and leave for about an hour and a half. Take the lid off and add the ketchup and brown sugar. Then place the lid back on and cook for a further 15 minutes. If the fire is too hot, the dinner will burn, so make sure you cook your meat loaf in the coals and not the fire.

Pineapple Delight Cake

1 pack cake mix, yellow
3 pieces of eggs, beaten
1 can pineapple slices
½ cup butter
1 cup sugar, brown or white
1 and ½ cup of pineapple juice
8 pieces cherries

Melt the butter in Dutch oven. Place the pineapple slices over the bottom of the dutch oven and place a cherry on top of each piece of pineapple. Follow the instructions for making up the cake mix and then pour the cake mix over the pineapple and cherries. Place the oven in the coals of the fire to cook for half an hour. Let it cool slightly inside the oven after baking and before serving. While cooking, keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't burn. Enjoy.
Sausage Gravy
Cooked sausage or processed meat products such as ham or bacon
3 tablespoons flour or bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste
Water or milk

Add the flour to the butter in your hot skillet until it becomes brown. Add water or milk to the flour to thin it, then add pepper and salt. Continue stirring the mixture until it regains its thick constancy. Add the sausage or processed meat product to the mixture.
Wild Turkey
1 whole turkey
1 pound of pork sausage
6 cups of bread crumbs
Poultry spices

Cover the turkey with seasoning and other poultry spices. Meanwhile, fry the onions and pork sausage in your oven. Then combine this mixture with the bread crumbs. Stuff the turkey with this and put in the dutch oven and bake for 3 and half hours.
These Dutch oven recipes are so easy to make and taste great, and you'll have the family asking for more. Camping is an excellent time to encourage the kids to do some of the cooking as well.

Fresh Dates and a Kale Smoothie

6oz water
8 ice cubes
3 cups of kale - torn into pieces and stems removed
1 banana
1 cup of red grapes
blend now and then add the almond meal through the top
2 heaping tablespoons almond meal (I buy at Trader Joes)
blend on high for a couple of minutes

This green goddess provides healthy carbs (to replace the ones used in your workout) + healthy plant protein + good fat. What more is needed!

Sweet Potato Chili

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, finely chopped
4 tbsp chili powder (+dash of hot chile powder to taste)
1 tbsp cumin
1 tbsp oregano
1 tbsp paprika
½ tsp fresh ground pepper
½ tsp sea salt
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1" cubes
32 oz water or broth
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 green pepper, seeded and chopped
2 cans 28oz petite diced tomatoes with juice
1 can 15oz black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can 15oz kidney beans, rinsed and drained
Heat oil in large pot over medium heat. Add garlic and onion. Saute until onion is slightly translucent, about 4 minutes.
Add all other ingredients, cover and cook 30 minutes are until the sweet potatoes are soft.

Italian Greens

1 bunch Swiss Chard
2 cups water
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 Tablespoon crushed fresh garlic
4 strips anchovies finely chopped
¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper
salt to taste

Carefully wash the Swiss Chard to make sure it is completely clean and free of any dirt. Chop Swiss Chard in approximately 1 inch strips. Boil in salted water, about 5 minutes or until stalks are tender when tested with a fork.

Drain and set aside. Heat olive oil, garlic, anchovies and red pepper in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat for about 3 minutes (continually stirring). Add drained Swiss Chard; cook and stir for 3 minutes. Taste before adding any salt.

Recipe for Roasted Chickpeas

1 can chickpeas
1 teaspoon olive oil
Sprinkle of salt
Sprinkle of cayenne pepper
Preheat oven to 400. Drain and rinse the chickpeas; pat dry with paper towel. Toss the chickpeas and olive oil. Spread the chickpeas out on a cookie sheet that has an edge. Sprinkle with seasoning. Bake for 45 minutes (or until chickpeas begin to turn brown) shaking the pan every 15 minutes or so.
8 servings.
Nutrition (per serving)
calories: 174
saturated fat:.5 g
fiber: 7.6 g
protein: 8.4 g
Cost (per serving)
15 cents
Any canned bean or lentil can be substituted in this recipe, just watch for browning and adjust the cooking time. Experiment with different flavors such as garlic, soy sauce, teriyaki, basil. Let your imagination run wild!

Favorite Homemade Relishes


The ingredients you will need.
6 pounds of cucumbers, do not peel.
3 green peppers and you must clean out insides and cut into large chunks.
2 pounds onions, peeled and cut into large chunks
2 red peppers you must also clean out insides and cut in large chunks.

Put all ingredients through food grinder or food processor. Put in large pot and cover with 1 cup salt and 2 gallons of water. Let stand overnight, then in the morning drain completely. Put mixture back in pot and add 1 tsp turmeric, 2 tbsp mustard seed, 2 tbsp celery seed, 6 cups sugar, 1 quart cider vinegar.
Bring to a boil and cook for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Thicken with 3 tbsp corn starch mixed with 3 tbsp water. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. Will need about 6-8 1/2 pint jars.

A favorite in our house.
3 quarts ripe tomatoes (cut-up)
4 large onions (chopped)
1 green pepper (chopped)
1 red pepper (chopped)

Combine all ingredients and cover mixture with 1/4 cup salt. Let stand for 3 hours and then drain. Put on the stove, with 1 pint cider vinegar, 3 1/2 cups sugar, 1 tbsp turmeric, 2 tbsp mustard seed, and 15 whole cloves.
Cook over medium-low heat stirring frequently for 1 hour or longer, if you like it thicker. Ladle into sterilized jars and seal. Will need about 6 1/2 pint jars.

How To Make an Easy Scrumptious Omelet

4 eggs
2 tablespoon margarine
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 tablespoons chopped onions
1 tablespoon chopped green onions
1 tablespoon chopped sweet red pepper
3 tablespoons of sliced mushrooms
3 tablespoons or more of cheese of your choice (cheddar or mozzarella or both)
Salt and pepper to taste
4 tablespoons of ground sausage
Cooking oil spray
Serving size: one to two

For optional ground sausage; place fry pan on medium heat and spray with cooking oil. Put ground sausage in pan and cook until it is browned (well done). Place cooked sausage on paper towel to drain, then set it aside for later.
Use cooking spray oil in another fry pan on medium heat and sauté green peppers, onions, and sweet red pepper together. Place mushrooms in mixture last until slightly browned. Remove mixture from pan and place it on a paper towel to absorb any oil.
Next, take the four eggs and scramble them in a bowl. Take a clean fry pan on medium heat and place the canola oil and margarine in pan until melted. Have a big spatula, cheese, onion mixture, sausage if needed and plate available. Pour the eggs into the fry pan and slowly use the spatula to lift it from around the edges, pulling the eggs to the center and moving the pan, so that it cooks evenly. Do not stir. Lift the eggs slightly on all sides with the spatula to prevent burning and make sure it is well done. On one half side of the eggs in the fry pan, place the onion mixture, cheese, and sausage if desired. Use the spatula to lift or fold the other half on top of the onion mixture, cheese and sausage. Turn off the heat. Place the plate on top of the pan, face down. Take one hand and hold the fry pan and with the other hand, hold the plate firmly on top of the pan. While still holding with both hands, flip the pan over on to the plate. You should have a scrumptious, fluffy half-moon shaped omelet.

Modern Recipes and Cooking Tips: Various Recipes for Cookies and Frosting Cookies -...

Modern Recipes and Cooking Tips: Various Recipes for Cookies and Frosting Cookies -...: SIMPLE BUTTER COOKIES 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 large eggs 3 cups flour 1 tsp grated lemon or orange rind May be made with mixer ...

Pork Spring Rolls

1. Soak the mushrooms in water for 20 minutes. Peel and quarter the carrots and onions, and then put them in a food processor with the raw bean sprouts, noodles and mushrooms. Blend together until the mixture becomes a batter.
2. Grind the spareribs in a meat grinder. Pour the ground meat into the vegetable and noodle batter. Season with nuoc mam, sugar, salt and pepper.
3. Add water to a small saucepan and bring to the boil, then add the beer. Place two triangular rice sheets on top of each other. Quickly submerge them in the boiling liquid and dry them carefully with a cloth.
4. Spread out the two triangles on a completely dry cloth. Add a heaped teaspoon of filling.
5. Pinch together the left and right sides of the rice paper over the filling. Starting with the base of the triangle facing you, roll it up to create a cylinder. Prepare all the spring rolls in this same way.
6. Using a skimmer, fry the spring rolls in boiling oil. Take them out of the fryer; this is the "pre-cooking" stage. Just before serving, refry the rolls to brown them. Arrange them. in small dishes garnished with lettuce and mint and serve hot.

Various Recipes for Cookies and Frosting Cookies -

1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
3 cups flour
1 tsp grated lemon or orange rind

May be made with mixer or in a food processor.
Cream the butter; add sugar gradually. Blend together until light and creamy, beat in the eggs. Add the flour and grated citrus rind. Stir until blended.
For molded cookies: Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Press the dough into ungreased cookie mold/s and bake for 10 minutes or until the edges of the cookies are just light brown. Remove from the molds while still hot.
For pastry bag or cut-out cookies: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from cookie sheets immediately and cool on wire racks.
Note: To make the cut-out cookies, chill dough until chilled enough to roll out.
1 cup butter, softened
1 tsp lemon zest
1 cup powdered sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Using a heavy-duty mixer, beat the butter with the lemon zest at medium speed until creamy. Gradually add the sugar, beating well.
Combine the flour and salt together and gradually add to the above mixture, beating until blended. Shape the dough into a disc.
Roll out to a 1/8-inch thickness on a lightly floured smooth surface. Cut with cookie cutters and place cookies a half inch apart on parchment-lined cookie sheets.
Bake cookies at 325 degrees for 12 to 14 minutes or until the edges are very lightly browned. Allow to cool on the baking sheets for 5 minutes before removing to wire racks to cool completely. Decorate as desired using the Royal Icing and Colorful Glaze (both recipes follow).
Yield: 2 to 4 dozen cookies depending on the size of the cookie cutters you use.
3 cups powdered sugar
2 tbsp meringue powder
1/4 cup cold water
Food coloring paste, colors of your choice

Beat the powdered sugar, meringue powder, and cold water at high-speed with electric mixer (use whisk attachment if you have one) until glossy and stiff peaks form. Put in food coloring to tint to color desired (Remember food coloring goes a long way!); beat until blended in. Place a damp tea towel directly over the surface of the icing to prevent a crust from forming while you use.
1 pkg (1-lb) powdered sugar
6 tbsp water
food coloring paste

Stir the water into the powdered sugar and add food coloring as desired. Stir mixture until well blended. Use to frost the cookies.
Note: The glaze is best for frosting and the royal icing is best for the piping and decorating