Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Perfect Full English Cooked Breakfast

Ingredients- One Serving
2 Cumberland sausages
2 rashers of smoked bacon
2 eggs
1 tomato
tin of baked beans
2 rounds of bread
black pudding
2 hash browns
cooking oil
salt - to taste
brown sauce (look for HP brown sauce) - to taste

Step By Step
1) Slice the mushrooms thinly.
2) Slice the black pudding into rounds of about 1.5cm.
3) Cut the tomatoes into half.
4) Empty the tin of beans into a saucepan.
5) Grill the sausages, bacon and halved tomato to suit your taste.
6) Add a little oil into a frying pan and fry off the black pudding and mushrooms together. They are ready when the mushrooms turn a golden brown. Move these into a heat proof dish and place in the bottom of your oven to keep warm.
7) Start to gently simmer the pan of baked beans.
8) Add more oil into the pan (around 2 table spoons) and place a round of bread in and fry until golden brown - repeat for the second slice and then keep warm.
9) Next, fry 2 eggs to suit your taste.

Finally, serve everything on the plate together, make a nice cup of Tea (or Coffee), shake a dash of salt over your place, and a squirt of brown sauce.
The full English has got several variations here is other options you could use instead of the ingredients used here -
1) egg, fried, poached, scrambled or in a basket
2) fried or grilled bacon, also referred to as "rashers" or "slices"
3) white pudding
4) sautéed potatoes
5) chips
6) potato bread (also called "fadge" or tattie scone)
7) potato waffles
8) potato cakes
9) toast
10) English muffins or Biscuits
11) fried bread
12) grits
13) oatcakes (in the North Midlands)
14) soda bread
15) pancakes
16) baked beans
17) fried mushrooms
18) fried, grilled, or tinned tomatoes
19) bubble and squeak
20) fruit pudding (in Scotland)

It is great having so many different options to chose from, people up and down the UK have perfected how they have a cooked breakfast but the most common choice of ingredients is the original used above - but it is all down to how you like it and what foods you enjoy.

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