Sunday, May 6, 2012

How To Make an Easy Scrumptious Omelet

4 eggs
2 tablespoon margarine
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 tablespoons chopped onions
1 tablespoon chopped green onions
1 tablespoon chopped sweet red pepper
3 tablespoons of sliced mushrooms
3 tablespoons or more of cheese of your choice (cheddar or mozzarella or both)
Salt and pepper to taste
4 tablespoons of ground sausage
Cooking oil spray
Serving size: one to two

For optional ground sausage; place fry pan on medium heat and spray with cooking oil. Put ground sausage in pan and cook until it is browned (well done). Place cooked sausage on paper towel to drain, then set it aside for later.
Use cooking spray oil in another fry pan on medium heat and sauté green peppers, onions, and sweet red pepper together. Place mushrooms in mixture last until slightly browned. Remove mixture from pan and place it on a paper towel to absorb any oil.
Next, take the four eggs and scramble them in a bowl. Take a clean fry pan on medium heat and place the canola oil and margarine in pan until melted. Have a big spatula, cheese, onion mixture, sausage if needed and plate available. Pour the eggs into the fry pan and slowly use the spatula to lift it from around the edges, pulling the eggs to the center and moving the pan, so that it cooks evenly. Do not stir. Lift the eggs slightly on all sides with the spatula to prevent burning and make sure it is well done. On one half side of the eggs in the fry pan, place the onion mixture, cheese, and sausage if desired. Use the spatula to lift or fold the other half on top of the onion mixture, cheese and sausage. Turn off the heat. Place the plate on top of the pan, face down. Take one hand and hold the fry pan and with the other hand, hold the plate firmly on top of the pan. While still holding with both hands, flip the pan over on to the plate. You should have a scrumptious, fluffy half-moon shaped omelet.

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