Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pumpkin Dessert Recipe

Unsalted butter - 2 tablespoons
Bread (any type) cut in cubes - 8 cups
Fresh heavy cream - 2 cups
Milk - 1 cup
Vanilla essence - 2 teaspoons
Egg yolks of 6 eggs
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Maple syrup - 3 tablespoons
Canned pumpkin puree - 1 cup
Fresh whipped cream for serving
Take a 10-inch flat glass baking dish and grease the insides using the unsalted butter.
In a separate baking dish, spread the bread cubes and roast them for about 15 minutes at 350F. Set aside.
Mix the fresh cream, milk and vanilla essence in a saucepan and heat on medium heat.
While the above mix heats, in a separate bowl beat the egg yolks and pumpkin puree.
Add the sugar and maple syrup and whisk the mix well so that the sugar dissolves completely.
Now take the hot cream, milk and vanilla mix and slowly whisk in the pumpkin mix.
You will have a custard-like liquid at the end.
In the greased baking dish, spread the bread cubes evenly and pour the custard over the cubes.
Let the dish stand for 15 minutes so that the bread soaks up the liquid. You can also press the cubes lightly so that they are immersed in the liquid.
Bake the dish in a preheated oven at 350F for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, take the dish out and cover with silver foil, then bake for 25-30 minutes more.
At the end of the baking time the sides of the pudding will be fluffy and a nice brown color.
Spicy caramel sauce goes perfectly with this pudding. What you will need for caramel sauce:
Dark Brown sugar - 1 1/4 cups
Unsalted butter - 1/2 cup
Whipped cream - 1/2 cup
Cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon
Nutmeg - 1/4 teaspoon (grated)
Mix the brown sugar with the butter over low heat.
When the butter melts, add the whipping cream, ground cinnamon and nutmeg.
Heat it until you get a smooth mix (caramel in color).
Remove from heat to serve.
To serve the pudding you can either serve the whipped cream and sauce on the side or drizzle over the pudding

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