Tuesday, March 27, 2012

All-In-One Meal

- 1 pound of ground turkey, chicken or beef sausage, or a combination of chicken and turkey will do also
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 small onion, finely chopped
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 300 grams of frozen or chilled pizza dough
- 1 and 1/2 cups of shredded mozzarella and cheddar combined
- Finely chop the sausages.
- Sauté the garlic and onions in olive oil. Add in the chopped sausages and cook until fragrantly done. Drain and press with paper towels.
- Thaw and unroll the frozen dough and shape into a rectangular shape.
- Spread on a lightly buttered baking sheet.
- Spread evenly with the sausage and the cheese combo.
- Fashion the dough into a jelly-roll and secure the filling inside by pinching the ends.
- Make sure the seam of the roll is facing down and place on a cookie sheet.
- Criss-cross cut the top of the dough with a sharp knife.
- With the oven heated up to 350°F, bake the dough for approximately 30 minutes or until you see a golden brown crust.
- Let stand to cool for about 10 minutes after removing from the oven.
- Slice diagonally and serve.

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