Friday, March 2, 2012

Simple Vegetable Juices:

This is one of the most basic vegetable juice recipes you can use. It is tasty and citrusy; the sweetness is provided by the carrots and a slight bitterness comes courtesy of the greens.
To make: Put 1 lb. of peeled, large carrots into the juicer and pour 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Add a handful of your favorite leafy green vegetable and juice. Serve immediately.
Note: to add sweetness, taste and aroma, try adding one apple, cored but unpeeled.

Carrot Combo:
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and are naturally sweet. Many vegetable juice recipes also use carrots as an
To make: Put 2 carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 2 medium-sized cucumbers, a one-inch piece of peeled fresh ginger, about half a cup of parsley and half an apple, cored but unpeeled into a juicer. Serve fresh or chilled.
Note: this recipe is quite refreshing and is excellent for mornings when you want to feel alert and active. If you prefer a citrusy version, replace the apple with a sliced orange, lemon or lime.
Spiced Tomato Juice:
Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene and vitamins. Choose ripe ones for added sweetness.
To make: Chop enough tomatoes to make 3 cups and put into the juicer. Add 1 cucumber, 1 stalk of celery, a dash of white pepper and a dash of cayenne pepper. Serve.
Note: for a spicier blend, add 1 red bell pepper, 1/4 onion, some basil and oregano.

Yummy Green Juice:
The body of this recipe is the green apple, a rich source of fiber, vitamins C, A, B6, riboflavin, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese and copper.
To make: Use 1 cup of chopped green apples, 1/4 cup of celery and 1/2 cup of broccoli. Add 1/8 cup of parsley and 1/4 cup of celery, turn the juicer on and serve.
Note: this is a green (literally) recipe that is tasty on its own but if you prefer it cold, you may pour it into a glass filled a quarter of the way with ice.

Carrot and Spinach Energy Booster:
This recipe is made from equal amounts of carrots and spinach. Spinach is one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals. In this recipe, you will get high amounts of vitamins A and K, manganese, magnesium and folate, along with calcium, potassium, copper and fiber.
To make: Put 1 cup of carrots and 1 cup of spinach into a juicer. Add 1/8 cup parsley and process. Pour into a tall glass (with ice if you prefer it chilled), add 1 tsp. of Spirulina and serve.
Note: spirulina is a type of algae that has protein and other vitamins and minerals. It is optional but try using it in this recipe for an added boost.
The vegetable juice recipes provided here are tasty and healthful. They make excellent healthy snacks and pick-me-ups. If you intend to make them as a meal replacement, consult your doctor to decide what is best for you.

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