Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Peanut Butter Bread


·        One and one quarter cups of tepid water
Three cups white bread flour
One quarter cup brown sugar
One half teaspoon salt
One half cup peanut butter
Two teaspoons fast rise yeast or three teaspoons active dry.
The nutritional information per serving is, calories 207, cholesterol 0 mg., sodium 143 mg, protein 13 percent, carbohydrates 62 percent, fat 25 percent.
Here is a peanut butter recipe that doesn't stick to the roof of your mouth. Just top it with honey or jam. Kids will really love it and adults too. You decide what type of peanut butter to use. Try crunchy this time and the creamy next time. For kids lunches try adding jam or jelly and cutting into different shapes.
For this recipe you can use either type of yeast. Just use less yeast if using the rapid or fast rise. You don't need to be a chemist to bake bread. Just remember that basic chemistry is what turns flour and yeast into bread. The ingredients work together or off one another in a very precise manner. Make sure your measurements are accurate. Remember that inappropriate ingredients can throw off the balance.
Yeast is a living organism. It wakes up when it is mixed with the water and sugar during the kneading cycle. The yeast is giving off carbon dioxide bubbles. These bubbles fill the bread with tiny holes that make it rise.
When making bread you should always use room temperature water. Cold water won't activate the yeast. Hot water will speed up the process too much and really hot water will kill the yeast.
The sugar in the recipe does not promote sweetness. It helps with the browning and also jump starts the yeast.
The salt will aid in the flavor but will inhibit the yeast. Good bread flour will give you a good bread structure because of the protein and high gluten content. You should select flour that is formulated specifically for bread. 

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